Frequently Asked Questions

I’m brand new to Yoga — what should I know?

Hop on over to our New to Yoga page so we can set your mind at ease.

How is Hatha Yoga different from other styles of Yoga?

In Hatha Yoga, we focus on moving more slowly, and we spend time mindfully exploring each posture before moving to the next. Typically we practice each posture on both sides of the body before we transition to another shape, so the focus is really on balancing both the body, mind and the nervous at the same time. So for example, if you practice Warrior I with your right foot forward, you’ll do Warrior I with your left forward before you take another posture. We also explore purposeful periods of rest throughout the practice, which helps the body learn to flow back and forth between the sympathetic nervous system (stress response) & the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation response) more fluidly.

Are your classes heated?

We aim to keep the studio at a comfortable room temperature throughout the changing seasons. While certain Yogic practices may cause you to break a sweat, that will happen naturally, not artificially.

Do you have a mat that I can borrow?

We sure do! We offer three different types of Yoga Mats: Manduka, Jade & Liforme, giving you a chance to try out some of our favorites. We also have simple foam mats to put underneath of your mat in case you desire a little extra cushioning.

Do I need to sign up ahead of time?

We do recommend that you sign up for class ahead of time. Walk-ins are welcome as space allows, but it’s important to us that everyone has ample space to move and explore, so we limit our classes to just 15 people. In order to ensure that you snag one of those coveted spots, it’s best to register beforehand.

What should I wear?

Something comfortable that allows your body to move through its own unique full range of motion. You don’t need any kind of special clothing to come to class.

Do you have Yoga props?

Do we ever! Props are power tools and it’s so important to us that everyone has just what they need to explore the practice, so we’ve gone all out! Each student has access to two foam blocks, two cork blocks, a strap, a set of therapy balls, a sandbag, three blankets, and two different sized bolsters. We’ve got you covered!