Vishoka Yoga teacher Kate Thuss wearing a black tank top and black pants, seated in front of a grey wall with a green spiked plant behind her.

Kate teaches Hatha 1, Hatha Flow, Beginner and Gentle classes throughout the week.


Kate Bharati Thuss

Co- Founder | She/Her | E-RYT 500, YACEP

After navigating her life through the haze of depression and anxiety, Kate found her way to Yoga back in 2006. When she laid down in her first savasana (the pose of relaxation) tears silently streamed down her face, and her body softened for the first time in decades. The practice brought a sense of calm to her that she couldn’t ever remember feeling before. Years went by before she got serious about the practice, but after a life altering breakdown, it was Yoga that put her back together again. In early 2014 Kate embarked on the journey of becoming a Yoga teacher by attending the Integral Yoga Academy at Satchidananda Ashram. She went on to study LifeForce Yoga (for depression, anxiety & PTSD) with Amy Weintraub, iRest Yoga Nidra with Karen Soltes of the Integrative Restoration Institute, Yoga Psychology via Ashley Turner’s Yoga.Psych.Soul 300 hour program, plus Anatomy with Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of Yoga Medicine. She is also currently pursuing an anatomy certification with Leslie Kaminoff. In the summer of 2020 Kate completed her 300 hour certification with the Himalayan Institute where she dove into the teachings of Pandit Rajmani Tigunait and the Sri Vidya tradition. In late 2021, she had the pleasure of studying with Jivana Heyman and subsequently became a certified Accessible Yoga Teacher through his inspiring program. Kate strives to honor the traditional roots of classical Yoga in all aspects of her life, and is incredibly humbled that she gets to hold the space for others to explore this life changing practice. She founded Sthira Sukham Yoga Studio with her partner and fellow Yoga practitioner, Jason Weaver, with the vision of offering traditional, accessible Yoga for all.