Sthira Sukham Yoga teacher Rachel Johnson wearing a grey knit cap & sunglasses, with a large mountain and a small town in India behind her.

Rachel teaches Hatha 1 on Thursday evenings.


Rachel Johnson

She/Her | RYT 200

Rachel came to yoga through the “fitness” side of [Bikram] yoga in 2007.  A “type A to the max” personality with questionable habits and a drive for competition has shifted her from an overly asana focus to a seeker of life balance. This shift to service through practice is Rachel’s north star and serves her life balance goals.  At the beginning of 2020, Rachel completed her 200-hour teacher training and has since obtained certificates in accessible instruction of asana, Reiki, end-of-life doula, and yoga philosophy.  A lifelong learner and recovering self-critic, Rachel is ready to step forward and share some experiences on the mat. 

Rachel believes that all eight limbs of yoga are the foundation of balance and prepare us to transition through life. In a Hatha class, she hopes each student will invite the potential to experience  their own body in a way that supports a more profound connection from the breathwork through savasana (samadhi!) 

During the week , Rachel works as an IT Director and dreams about the next hike or stand-up paddle board opportunity, and she lives with her guy Steve, plotting epic Scrabble revenge.