A Hatha Yoga Studio

where comfort and stability are key

Maybe you’ve always been curious about trying a class or perhaps you’ve had a valued individual recommend the practice to you — either way, you’re not alone. Everyone was once a beginner! At Sthira Sukham Yoga we are here to honor your new journey and support you in any way that we can. 

New to Yoga?

Get to know our joyful, dedicated teaching staff

Workshops are a fantastic way to dive deeper into the practices of Yoga and beyond, and we’re excited to offer as many opportunities for you to expand as possible. We’re always adding more topics and dates, so be sure to check back often to see what’s coming up. Let us know if there are any specific topics you love to learn more about!

Visit our blog to learn more
about all things Yoga

We’re excited to offer another way for you to enhance and better understand your Yoga practice with our blog. Each month we explore new topics ranging from philosophy to the physical postures and everything in between.

Learn more about our Workshops

Props are a wonderful way to enhance your physical practice; in fact at Sthira Sukham Yoga we consider them to be the key to making yourself comfortable and steady. We’ve got all you' could ever need when you’re practicing with us in the studio, plus we recommend building your own set of basics to support your practice at home.

Props are like power tools!


"Keep in mind that when you practice yoga, you're not practicing to improve yourself. You are perfect. The practice is there to help you know that."

— Maty Ezraty


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